CLM Asesores is a firm of lawyers and economists that are committed to joint and complementary work with a common goal: to define the problem and decide on the optimal solution for each case and client.


The firm was born from the union of the experience of its partners for more than three decades in the sector of providing business, legal and tax advice services.


In the development of its activity and meeting the needs of international clients, in 2018 the English subsidiary CLM INTERNATIONAL LTD was established, which provides services to international clients both in the European Union and in other countries of the world.


The headquarters in England, with an office in the City of London, involves collaboration with English professional firms with extensive experience in tax and fiscal developments in the United Kingdom. Moreover, for its part, the involvement of CLM and its partner Javier López Sabaté in tax advice for TTL NET (TAX TOURISM AND LAW, an association of international tax advisors), at the EU headquarters, involves collaboration with law firms and tax advisers throughout the European Union.


From CLM International Ltd, advice is given on the positioning of companies and businesses with the world map as a dashboard and where solutions are studied at an international level to coordinate the interests of our clients in the development of their activities.