Economics Graduate from the University of Barcelona, with a Postgraduate qualification in Account Auditing from Pompeu Fabra University.
Certified financial expert, account auditor and active member registered on the duty list of Forensic Accounting, Judicial Appraisals and Valuation Experts and Independent Experts of the Trade Registry.
Expert on business taxation, regular speaker on tax matters. He specialises in business associations and VAT in the Travel Agency sector, in both Spain and Europe as a whole.
Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona (UB) (1979-1983).
Member of the Bar Association of Barcelona, since 1985.
Practising lawyer since 1985, with bar association number 13,890.
Founding partner of Bufete Callís law firm (1996).
Certified member of the Insolvency Conference (Jornadas Concursales). Case Law Review and Prospects for Reform. Catalonia Legal Journal (Revista Jurídica de Catalunya) July 2011.
Certified Member of the 5th Spanish Congress on Insolvency Law (2013)
Certified member of the 9th Congress of the Ibero-American Institute of Insolvency Law (2013).